German Dictionary

Translation of curse in German

to curse     fluchen; verfluchen
the curse     der Fluch

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
I cursed the thistles that had stubbornly attached themselves to my new jacket.

Ich verfluchte die Disteln, die sich trotzig an meine neue Jacke geheftet hatten.
curse sövmek; küfretmek; beddua etmek
curse Fluch; Unheil
curse (ver)fluchen
Curse Der Fluch
curse fluchen

The proposed date is fine. I suggest to work in small groups first, optimize the results and then do a presentation to a larger crowd. Everything can be done online these days so that we just need a PC.
I therefore created our pages so that the user can view several demos and click the Conjugate button in the Verb demo which will redirect him to the verb conjugation page of specific tenses.
We had lunch, checked out a few stores, the market and the beach and returned. The following morning we got up very early, checked out and headed towards the ferry port. Our ferry left at ten.
Lately viewed by others: day    defamation    demonstration    destroy    digestion    discrepancy    district    dot    druggist    eastern   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of curse   [ cursed, cursed ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of fluchen
fluche  fluchst  flucht  fluchen  flucht  fluchen  fluchte  fluchtest  fluchte  fluchten  fluchtet  fluchten     
Conjugation of verfluchen
verfluche  verfluchst  verflucht  verfluchen  verflucht  verfluchen  verfluchte  verfluchtest  verfluchte  verfluchten  verfluchtet  verfluchten