German Dictionary

Translation of dampen in German

to dampen     anfeuchten; dämpfen

Translation by Vocabulix


to dampen; to weaken befeuchten

Work was performed only in June, July, August and September. In October and November, Erik has been waiting for Katja's visit and Sabine was on maternal leave after Christmas and New Year.
I really value honest comments, and I am a believer that it is the only way that the social community system works, so as to know whom you can trust on both sides. Programmers did a great job if you were asking me.
I know that you are studying. Do you like it, what do you do in your spare time? Are you doing a lot of sports? Do you have many hobbies? Are you watching movies and if so which ones? Please answer in English!
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of dampen   [ dampened, dampened ]