German Dictionary

Translation of depressed in German

depressed     deprimiert; entmutigt; gedrückt; niedergeschlagen

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
His indifference depressed her, and she left him.

Seine Gleichgültigkeit deprimierte sie, und sie verließ ihn.
After the accident Mary had a miscarriage and was depressed for months. Nach dem Unfall hatte Mary eine Fehlgeburt und war monatelang depressiv.
The catastrophe left many people depressed for months. Das Unglück stürzte viele Menschen in monatelange Depressionen.
depressed deprimiert; niedergeschlagen; bedrückt
depressed niedergedrückt; bedrückt sein
depressed, low niedergeschlagen
depressed deprimiert, depressiv
to be depressed deprimiert
depressed Depression
depressed deprimiert
depressed deproo

So she and I went to the food store to buy some lunch. However, the store had almost no food and one could pay in local currency or in US dollars. One could really see the country's poor economy.
After our system update, lessons will be saved for 30 minutes automatically, if you want to save them permanently, you need to press the 'save lesson' button. It than works the same basically.
In the end we decided just to take the picture and place it as the logo. It seems nice and it may make the user more curious, so that he will go to your page. Tell me if you do not agree with me!
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