German Dictionary

Translation of designer in German

the designer     der Konstrukteur

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
He had always been crazy about couture and finally became a fashion designer.

Er hatte Couture schon immer geliebt und wurde schließlich Modedesigner.
Jane mingled with the crowd and exchanged business cards with three designers. Jane mischte sich unter die Leute und tauschte mit drei Designern Geschäftskarten aus.
When the designer saw the new fabric for the dress, she was ecstatic. Als die Designerin den neuen Stoff für das Kleid sah, war sie ekstatisch.
the interior designer der Raumausstatter
interior designer Innenarchitekt/in
costume designer Kostümbildner
interior designer Innenausstatter
web page designer Webdesigner/in
designer clothes Designerkleider
graphic designer Grafiker(in)
designer Designer; Designerin
designer label Designermarke

I am from Italy, but I studied in Frankfurt, in Germany. I am done with my bachelor degree. I am an Engineer since last June. where are you from? Which language do you want to practice? I will start studying next week.
On the first day in Hanoi, we wanted to explore the town. It was the former capital of the North and today it is the capital of the entire country. There are tons of monuments and governmental buildings.
On the other side of the mountain range were the lake region and Bariloche. Argentina had a completely different atmosphere. People were not as calm as in Chile, and it reminded me of Italy.
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