German Dictionary

Translation of dip in German

to dip     eintauchen

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
If you dip a bean into an inkwell you shouldn't eat it any longer.

Wenn Du eine Bohne in ein Tintenfass tauchst, dann solltest Du sie nicht mehr essen.
dip (ein) tauchen
dip eis kugel
to dip sinken

It was really depressing, it seemed to be like being in the army where you are forced to get up in the middle of the night. Anyway, I do not like the winter in the city as much as I like it in the alps.
Sunday is fine. Please let us talk tomorrow to arrange a schedule of that day. I will call you tomorrow, but in any case, here is my number again. We could do it also on Monday next week, if it fits everybody.
I found a pair of Nike shoes for a bargain and I do not know until this day why those shoes were so cheap. I am sure that they are not fake, as they are great quality. My wife also bought a pair.
Most common translations: disk    documentary    dozen    dune    edge    elope    ending    epilogue    evening    expectant   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of dip   [ dipped, dipped ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of eintauchen
[bin eingetaucht]
taucein  tauchst ein  taucht ein  tauchen ein  taucht ein  tauchen ein  tauchte ein  tauchtest ein  tauchte ein  tauchten ein  tauchtet ein  tauchten ein