German Dictionary

Translation of discard in German

to discard     streichen
to discard     ablegen

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The urologist discarded the old diagnosis and examined the patient again.

Der Urologe warf die alte Diagnose weg und untersuchte den Patienten aufs Neue.
to discard wegschmeißen
to discard loswerden2

I spoke to Juliette and she told me to organize the meeting with Jimmy and Rick. I would like to know the time and place of our meeting (on Monday). Looking forward to meet you all. Bye soon.
Good to hear, where are you moving to? Finally NY, or to Vancouver? Lets you sleep at night... don't get too excited... that may change... Will you be working too? Or simply enjoying motherhood?
The fans in the stadium was so much better than any fans in Europe. The atmosphere was pure football and people did not stop singing for ninety minutes regardless of the score. Outside the stadium there was smell of Asado.
Most common translations: dissertation    done    dressing-down    eagle    eighteen    emissary    enlightenment    erratic    exceptional    expressionism   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of discard   [ discarded, discarded ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of ablegen
lege ab  legst ab  legt ab  legen ab  legt ab  legen ab  legte ab  legtest ab  legte ab  legten ab  legtet ab  legten ab     
Conjugation of streichen
streiche  streichst  streicht  streichen  streicht  streichen  strich  strichst  strich  strichen  stricht  strichen