German Dictionary

Translation of dislike in German

to dislike     nicht mögen
the dislike     die Abneigung

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
I dislike November because the days get short and it becomes darker.

Ich mag den November nicht, weil die Tage kürzer werden und es wird dunkler.
to dislike nicht mögen; nicht gern haben
dislike abneigung
dislike ablehnen

On the other sites I work with every 3 to 6 months developers are called together to exchange experiences. Everybody is kept up to date and new projects are introduced. It is good for workflow.
It is good if you have previously practiced only Spanish, which also shows that you are very good at other languages, and still can learn many things. I hope I'll learn it soon and practice.
What kind of movies do you prefer? Anyway, should I write you to your email, vocabulix inbox, regular mail? I'm living in the North of the U.S., near the Canadian border. Have you ever been here?
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