German Dictionary

Translation of drill in German

to drill     bohren
to drill     ausbilden
the drill     der Bohrer; die Bohrmaschine

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
With the jig, it was easy to drill the holes in the right places.

Mit der Bohrschablone war es leicht, die Löcher an den richtigen Stellen zu bohren.
bench drill Tischbohrmaschine
drill a hole ein Loch bohren
drill Bohrmaschine; bohren

In the coming morning we were picked up to do a day tour in the Mekong Delta. It included several stops all around the river bed and the delta of this huge river. The first station were floating villages.
After ten minutes and after drinking a bottle of water we returned to our place. It was already three in the morning. We were unhappy to miss a great party, but our physical conditions were bad.
We spent a few hours around Plaza de Armas, the main square of the town, eating, shopping and sightseeing. A hassling boy tried to sell us some Peruvian chocolate for one Peso.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of drill   [ drilled, drilled ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of bohren
bohre  bohrst  bohrt  bohren  bohrt  bohren  bohrte  bohrtest  bohrte  bohrten  bohrtet  bohrten