German Dictionary

Translation of drizzle in German

to drizzle     nieseln
the drizzle     der Nieselregen; der Sprühregen

Translation by Vocabulix


the drizzle/to drizzle Nieselregen/nieseln
the endless drizzle der Nieselregen
to drizzle nieseln

In the coming morning we were picked up to do a day tour in the Mekong Delta. It included several stops all around the river bed and the delta of this huge river. The first station were floating villages.
A year later we decided to make another trip. We have both been to Mexico and to Cuba, and the year before we were in South America, where we have visited several countries for five weeks.
We were a little sad that we had to leave Peru so soon, but we had to take the 7.30 bus which would take us to the Chilean border. Chile and Argentina were still the main destinations of our trip.
Most common translations: earthing    ejector    employer    enslavement    especially    extinction    farm    fender    fin   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of drizzle   [ drizzled, drizzled ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of nieseln
niesle  nieselst  nieselt  nieseln  nieselt  nieseln  nieselte  nieseltest  nieselte  nieselten  nieseltet  nieselten