German Dictionary

Translation of ecosystem in German

the ecosystem     das Ökosystem

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The curve shows the development of the fish population in this ecosystem after 1999.

Die Kurve zeigt die Entwicklung der Fischbevölkerung in diesem Ökosystem ab 1999.
The different species in this atoll have evolved into a complex ecosystem. Die unterschiedlichen Arten in diesem Atoll haben sich zu einem komplexen Ökosystem entwickelt.
ecosystem Ökosystem(1)

In the coming morning we were picked up to do a day tour in the Mekong Delta. It included several stops all around the river bed and the delta of this huge river. The first station were floating villages.
The next temple was around forty five minutes away. Its name was Beng Melea. It was placed on a hugh area covered with trees and plans. The buildings of the temple were surrounded by nature.
We arrived in there again at night, it was cold and the town was empty. There were few tourist hanging around, but most restaurants and bars were empty. We looked for an hotel and found on immediately.
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