German Dictionary

Translation of embellish in German

to embellish     verschönern

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
There are various ways to embellish copper jewellery.

Es gibt verschiedene Wege, Kupferschmuck zu verschönern.
to embellish verschönern; ausschmücken

This Thursday afternoon a group of twenty five belonging to the Language Institute of English will take a trip to the Canadian city Montreal, accompanied and well protected by the bodyguard Linda.
Hemingway is trying to tell us a story about two people cannot fulfill their desires and needs, such as having free sex, drinking alcohol, spending the nights in bars and clubs and generally having fun.
We had lunch, checked out a few stores, the market and the beach and returned. The following morning we got up very early, checked out and headed towards the ferry port. Our ferry left at ten.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of embellish   [ embellished, embellished ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of verschönern
verschönere  verschönerst  verschönert  verschönern  verschönert  verschönern  verschönerte  verschönertest  verschönerte  verschönerten  verschönertet  verschönerten