German Dictionary

Translation of environmental in German

environmental     Umwelt-; umweltbedingt; umweltschützend; ökologisch

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The Green Party takes environmental protection seriously.

Die Grünen nehmen den Umweltschutz ernst.
Today we finally made headway with the new environmental project. Heute haben wir mit dem neuen Umweltprojekt endlich Fortschritte gemacht.
The hypocrisy of preaching environmental protection driving around in a Porsche! Diese Heuchelei, Umweltschutz zu predigen und in einem Porsche herumzufahren!
environmental resources Umweltgüter; Umweltressourcen
environmental Umweltvorschriften; Umweltgesetze
environmental pollution Umweltverschmutzung
environmental circuitry Stromkreisumgebung
environmental issues Fragen der Umwelt
environmental programme Umweltprogramm
environmental studies Ökologie
environmental impact Umwelteinfluss
environmental issues Umweltprobleme

Sometimes you forget one word and this makes the entire sentence sound differently. That means that you need to read each email before sending it twice at least if you want to be on the safe side every time.
I will be here for another 3 hours, then about 2 hours offline and then again online until late. So the exception is in Spain, cause formal is usually vos/ustedes even when we speak to 1 person. They also jump to the third person singular.
In winter it is a great place because you can ski. In the summer I like being in Paris because it is a very empty city in summer. The people head down to the coast, to Nice, Cannes and similar.
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