German Dictionary

Translation of feature in German

to feature     aufweisen
the feature     das Charakteristikum; das Merkmal; der Zug; die Besonderheit; die Eigenschaft

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
One after another, he added special features and landmarks to the map.

Nach und nach fügte er besondere Merkmale und Orientierungspunkte in die Karte ein.
Humility should be an inherent feature of Christianity. Demut sollte eine inhärenter Bestandteil des Christentums sein.
feature bestehend aus; Hauptmerkmal
attribute; feature die Eigenschaft
feature Ausstattung; Eigenschaft
a special feature besonderheiten
feature Eigenschaft, Funktion
feature die Gesichtszüge
to feature präsentieren
feature spielfilm; reportage
a feature film ein Spielfilm
feature Merkmal, Eigenheit

The places we have been to were very different from the one we saw in the other country. It looked less poor and much more orgnaized although not every one could tell the difference. Funny.
It was amazing to see how different people in different regions of the world would worship their G'ds in different ways. We really enjoyed it there and felt the mystic atmosphere around us.
The border control was in the middle of the Andes mountains, at an elevation of around 2000 meters above sea level. The forest around us was covered with snow and the scenery was breathtaking.
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