German Dictionary

Translation of feeling in German

the feeling     das Gefühl; der Sinn; die Empfindung

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
I got a queasy feeling, when I looked down from the top of the mountain.

Ich bekam ein mulmiges Gefühl, als ich vom Berggipfel hinab blickte.
Looking inside her own uterus was an unbelievable feeling. In ihre eigene Gebärmutter hineinzuschauen war ein unglaubliches Gefühl.
Wednesday is the middle of the week and the day where some people start feeling the weekend. Mittwoch ist die Mitte der Woche und der Tag an dem einige Leute bereits das Wochenende spüren.
feeling das Gefühl; dei Empfindung
sentimental; with feeling gefuehlvoll
feeling, sentimental gefühlvoll
a spa feeling ein Thermengefühl
keen feeling sicheres Gefühl
with feeling mit Gefühl
feeling (n) das Gefühl
sensation; feeling Gefuehl
feeling* das Gefühl

The places we have been to were very different from the one we saw in the other country. It looked less poor and much more orgnaized although not every one could tell the difference. Funny.
We cursed our bus driver and tour guide and everybody knew that these people were not professional. After 2 hours we arrived at the destination. It was a little boat station on a riverbank.
The same night we went to a great restaurant in town (near the main street). We met a very friendly couple in their fifties from Buenos Aires. They told us many interesting stories about Argentina.
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