German Dictionary

Translation of forge in German

to forge     fälschen; schmieden

Translation by Vocabulix


to forge schmieden; herstellen
to forge schmieden--schaffen

I have the OK. They will make the changes and resend the homework tasks. I think that beginning of July would be a good date to start learning. What do you think? We should not wait too long.
My web designer found a bug and fixed it. Please ignore the last email. There seems to be a misunderstanding: When a user clicks on the Demo button, our cookie will automatically be set. That's it.
After the bar we sailed back with the ferry to the other side, the side of the financial district, because there were some Halloween parties in the different bars at the Lan Kwai Fong street.
Most common translations: free    furious    gecko    glad    good-looking    grayish    guitar    handover    hazy    herbivore   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of forge   [ forged, forged ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of fälschen
fälsche  fälschst  fälscht  fälschen  fälscht  fälschen  fälschte  fälschtest  fälschte  fälschten  fälschtet  fälschten     
Conjugation of schmieden
schmiede  schmiedest  schmiedet  schmieden  schmiedet  schmieden  schmiedete  schmiedetest  schmiedete  schmiedeten  schmiedetet  schmiedeten