German Dictionary

Translation of gain in German

to gain     gewinnen
the gain     der Gewinn; die Ausbeute
the gain     die Zunahme

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
A fifteenth of the gains goes to UNICEF.

Ein fünfzehntel der Gewinne geht an UNICEF.
On his new diet, the anteater gained two kilos in a week. Mit seinem neuen Fütterungsplan nahm der Ameisenbär in einer Woche zwei Kilo zu.
to gain sich verschaffen; bekommen; gewinnen
gain gewinnen; vorgehen; Zunahme, Gewinn
to gain erlangen; aufnehmen
to gain etw. erlangen
to gain erwirtschaften
gain Gewinn; Vorteile
positive gain profit
gain Gewinn; Nutzen
gain Ertrag; Gewinn
to gain* verdienen

Then we did a boat trip which started somewhere in the delta and ended somewhere else in the delta. Each couple received a boat and an elderly lady had to row. I did not feel comfortable with that.
I bought some food also for the next day, where we planed a trip to the Angkor Wat. I returned to our room and picked up my fiance. Sammy was already waiting in the lobby for us.
The next morning we got up a little later than usual. After leaving our room we recognized that this town and region was stunning. Desert and high volcanoes all around us. The place was superb.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of gain   [ gained, gained ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of gewinnen
gewinne  gewinnst  gewinnt  gewinnen  gewinnt  gewinnen  gewann  gewannst  gewann  gewannen  gewannt  gewannen