German Dictionary

Translation of glitter in German

to glitter     funkeln
the glitter     der Glanz
the glitter     das Funkeln

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Baits that glitter and move decoy the fish.

Köder, die glänzen und sich bewegen, locken die Fische an.
to glitter glitzern, glänzen
To glitter/ to twinkle Glitzern
glitter glitzern; funkeln

I've got a question. What is a woodpecker? I learn English without teacher and without conversation. I think you should look on the bright side. See what do you already know and to be proud of.
The different monuments were located in one big compound in the center. Strangely on the same day that we have visited there the prime minister of Thailand came for a visit in the same area.
We asked for the price and were surprised to hear it: A hundred dollars a night. We were actually happy to hear the high price because we knew that if we would not find anything else there was still a good place to stay in.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of glitter   [ glittered, glittered ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of funkeln
funkle  funkelst  funkelt  funkeln  funkelt  funkeln  funkelte  funkeltest  funkelte  funkelten  funkeltet  funkelten