German Dictionary

Go in German

to go      gehen 
the go     das Go

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
It is going to take some persuasion to get him to join the club.

Es wird etwas Überredung brauchen ihn dazu zu bringen, dem Club beizutreten.
As time went by,she became sadder and sadder. Im Laufe der Zeit wurde sie immer trauriger.
In Maui, the crew went ashore for the first time in six weeks. In Maui ging die Mannschaft zum ersten Mal seit sechs Wochen an Land.
stop; go skateboarding; terrific anhalten; zum Skateboarden gehen; wunderbar
to be on holiday; to go on holiday in Urlaub sein; in Urlaub fahren
to go out with zusammen sein; ein Paar sein; eine Beziehung haben
to go bankrupt in Konkurs gehen; Konkurs machen; Bankrott machen
to go mad; go mad verrückt werden; durchdrehen
Let's go!; Let us go! Lass uns gehen!; Lasst uns gehen!
to let go; to let go of; let, let, let loslassen
to go after; follow; run slow [clock] nachgehen
to go back zurückbegeben; zurückgehen

You can stay at my place as much as you like, and it does not cause me any trouble. I love guests. Cool, I guess, and sorry I didn't get back to you in time due to tight schedule. Hope to hear from you soon, best regards from NYC in the US.
If you have trouble in expressing something just write it down first. This site is very helpful to learn languages. I think it's very good to have conversations with other people. Take care.
Your Spanish is excellent, I can understand you very well. I have been learning English for almost 2 years. I have visited a language school and now I am learning in the Internet. See you soon.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of go   [ went, gone ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of gehen
[bin gegangen]
gehe  gehst  geht  gehen  geht  gehen  ging  gingst  ging  gingen  gingt  gingen