German Dictionary

Translation of grouse in German

to grouse     meckern; nörgeln
the grouse     das Moorhuhn; das Raufußhuhn

Translation by Vocabulix


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I think that it is easy to find new students, as many of them have already visited schools in Switzerland or Germany, but most of them have been to Berlin. Spanish learning is less common these days.
Have you ever done something like that in Spanish? I also think that we should see each other when you're close, I can help you with Spanish, and you can do the same for me in English. Do we have a deal?
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of nörgeln
nörgle  nörgelst  nörgelt  nörgeln  nörgelt  nörgeln  nörgelte  nörgeltest  nörgelte  nörgelten  nörgeltet  nörgelten