German Dictionary

Translation of haggle in German

to haggle     feilschen; schachern

Translation by Vocabulix


I have the OK. They will make the changes and resend the homework tasks. I think that beginning of July would be a good date to start learning. What do you think? We should not wait too long.
As promised, I am sending you in the attachment a (very) little overview of some applications we created on Vocabulix. Please send me also some infos about your activities. When would be the best time to talk?
I made plans to visit a surfing contest with a girl that I have met on the first day. We agreed to meet at ten in the morning at her place. I couldn't keep my eyes open and decided to quit.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of haggle   [ haggled, haggled ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of feilschen
feilsche  feilschst  feilscht  feilschen  feilscht  feilschen  feilschte  feilschtest  feilschte  feilschten  feilschtet  feilschten