German Dictionary

Translation of hem in German

to hem     säumen
the hem     der Saum

Translation by Vocabulix


hem Saum

Hamburg is a very beautiful city and i have a friend studying in that university. I hope you can enjoy your live and studying there. I have been teaching in a language school for a while. But in one month I am going to be in Hanover again.
In the end of the day we went to visit the Vietnam war museum. It is actually called the American war museum. It gives the Western visitors a different point of view of the events forty years ago.
The same night we went to a great restaurant in town (near the main street). We met a very friendly couple in their fifties from Buenos Aires. They told us many interesting stories about Argentina.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of hem   [ hemed, hemed ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of säumen
säume  säumst  säumt  säumen  säumt  säumen  säumte  säumtest  säumte  säumten  säumtet  säumten