German Dictionary

Translation of hex in German

to hex     behexen; verfluchen; verzaubern
the hex     der Fluch

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
She put a hex on him, and he turned into a rabbit.

Sie verzauberte ihn in ein Kaninchen.

My husband wants to see the places his parents come from. They're from Michigan. And I'll take the opportunity to visit my brother in law in Carolina, he is 63 years old. Towards the end of the trip we will attend a conference.
I have always met nice people so far, and I have never had a strange friends request. So far I only had problems with my grammar in various foreign languages that I am trying to acquire.
Since when have you been learning Spanish? My children are not on Vocabulix, they are too small for it. We have no time for the normal day activities, and we are always on the move with the children.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of verfluchen
verfluche  verfluchst  verflucht  verfluchen  verflucht  verfluchen  verfluchte  verfluchtest  verfluchte  verfluchten  verfluchtet  verfluchten