German Dictionary
English | German |
Sample sentences: I promised to give her a goody when she finished her homework. |
I versprach, ihr ein Bonbon zu geben, wenn sie mit den Hausaufgaben fertig war. |
My teacher is helping me with my homework. | Mein Lehrer hilft mir mit meinen Hausaufgaben. |
Every daddy should help his kids do their homework. | Jeder Papi muss seinen Kindern mit den Hausaufgaben helfen. |
do one's homework | sich besser vorbereiten |
do the homework | Hausübung machen |
(piece of) homework | Hausarbeit (BE) |
do homework | Hausaufgaben machen |
the homework | die hausaufgabe |
homework | Hausaufgabe(n) |
homework | Hausaufgaben |
homework | Hausaufgabe |

I am sorry that I did not respond to your last email you sooner. Have you been busy with your work? Do you have any meetings or travel planned? I have friends around the world and they call me Mike.
Do you want learn Spanish? Do you have a telephone? I am looking forward to hearing from you and sorry again, I was extremely busy during the last three weeks. I hope you can forgive me.
I have another question to you: How old are you? You look very young on your picture. Your life sounds really interesting but I cannot imagine how it is to live there. Is it safe there?
Do you want learn Spanish? Do you have a telephone? I am looking forward to hearing from you and sorry again, I was extremely busy during the last three weeks. I hope you can forgive me.
I have another question to you: How old are you? You look very young on your picture. Your life sounds really interesting but I cannot imagine how it is to live there. Is it safe there?