German Dictionary

Translation of horseshoe in German

the horseshoe     das Hufeisen

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Whenever he participated in a rally, the driver always carried a horseshoe with him.

Immer wenn er an einer Rallye teilnahm trug der Fahrer ein Hufeisen bei sich.
horseshoe arrangement Hufeisenform Sitzung

In the end we went up to the tower. We have never climbed so steep stairs ever before and once up we were really afraid to go down. There were no safety installation at this tower.
In the end of the day we went to visit the Vietnam war museum. It is actually called the American war museum. It gives the Western visitors a different point of view of the events forty years ago.
We shivered, sweat and vomited the entire night. In addition we had the worst room in the worst hotel in town: Hostal Resbalosa.
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