German Dictionary

Translation of immigrant in German

the immigrant     der Einwanderer; der Immigrant; der Zuwanderer

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The immigrant had crossed the border hiding in a potato sack.

Der Immigrant hatte in einem Kartoffelsack versteckt die Grenze überquert.
At the demonstration hundreds of immigrants showed their displeasure about the decision. Bei der Demonstration zeigten hunderte von Immigranten ihren Verdruss über den Entschluss.
to immigrate; immigrant einwandern; Einwanderer
immigrant Einwanderer; Einwanderin(1)
immigrant Immigrant, Einwanderer
immigrant einwanderer/in
immigrant Einwanderer

I don't remember exactly what we did there, all I remember was that there was some show including a snake and a Janasene tourist agreed to have the snake on her neck. I almost fainted just by watching.
Basically, I am here to learn Italian and French... some other languages as well, different cultures and meeting nice people. So far, I have made some friendships with Vocabulix, but I am always looking for more.
At Pisac we visited its 'once certainly authentic', 'today completely touristic' market. We enjoyed it anyway, ate fresh corncobs and bought a warm wool hat.
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