German Dictionary

Translation of impair in German

to impair     beeinträchtigen

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
My website uses a larger font for people with impaired vision.

Meine Webseite benutzt größere Schriften für Leute mit beeinträchtigter Sehkraft.

Hi Christin, how are you? I am on vacation right now, but you can call me if there are any problems. I am planning to meet my students in the end of next week. I will deliver the message anyway.
We recently started a new free vocabulary and conjugation website, called Vocabulix ( This free website targets people who are interested in learning foreign languages.
On the way back I remember watching a Diego Armando Maradona movie in the car's portable DVD player. He was praised as a Saint in this movie. I took it as a good preparation of thing ahead in Buenos Aires.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of impair   [ impaired, impaired ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of beeinträchtigen
beeinträchtige  beeinträchtigst  beeinträchtigt  beeinträchtigen  beeinträchtigt  beeinträchtigen  beeinträchtigte  beeinträchtigtest  beeinträchtigte  beeinträchtigten  beeinträchtigtet  beeinträchtigten