German Dictionary

Translation of industry in German

the industry      die Industrie 
the industry     die Branche; die Industrie
the industry     das Gewerbe

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The steel is used to build machines and has therefore a great value in the industry of many nations.

Der Stahl wird gebraucht um Maschinen zu bauen und hat deshalb einen großen Wert in der Industrie vieler Nationen.
The automobile industry in Detroit has recovered since the last economic crisis. Die Automobilindustrie in Detroit hat sich seit der letzten Wirtschaftskrise wieder erholt.
the advertising industry die Werbeindustrie
industry; sector; line of business Branche
a competitive industry ein Industriezweig
commerce and industry Handel und Gewerbe
pharmaceutical industry Pharmaindustrie
computer industry Computerindustrie(1)
insurance industry Versicherungswesen
industry Industrie; Gewerbe; Branche
heavy industry die Schwerindustrie
automotive industry Autoindustrie

I'm very interested in learning languages. I'm learning English,German and french as well as Japanese. My native language is Spanish. Yes is very nice living here. What do you think about the Mexican people?
In the end we decided to try something new, and although we are not great "fans" of South East Asia, we agreed on going to Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and if there would be enough time Hong Kong.
From there we took the bus to the main gate of the Machu Picchu ruins. Unfortunately we had to take the train back the same evening.
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