German Dictionary
English | German |
Sample sentences: She tried to straighten her curly hair with an iron. |
Sie versuchte, mit einem Glätteisen ihre lockigen Haare glatt zu bekommen. |
According to my personal cook lentils contain a lot of iron. | Gemäß meinem privaten Koch enthalten Linsen viel Eisen. |
She was ironing the seventh fold into the skirt when the phone rang. | Sie bügelte gerade die siebte Falte in den Rock hinein, als das Telefon klingelte. |
iron the T-shirt | das T-shirt bügeln |
coal,iron,steel | kohle,eisen,stahl |
Iron Curtain | Eisener Vorhang |
iron | Eisen; Bügeleisen |
cast iron | Gußeisen |
iron mask | eiserne Maske |
iron | eisern, Eisen |
iron | eisern; Eisen |
iron | bügle |

And I think it is really good idea for us to writing with each other in Spanish or English. however i am still beginner for Spanish learning. It seems still impossible for me to writing to you in Spanish. But i hope i can do it soon.
I wish you a good trip, when you come to Germany in June! How do you long stay in Berlin? Please help me with my English, in return I will help you with your German. Wish you a nice day!
California, Oregon and Washington are the states on the west coast that have an ocean. We traveled all the way from San Diego to Seattle. Portland in Oregon is a really cool city too.
I wish you a good trip, when you come to Germany in June! How do you long stay in Berlin? Please help me with my English, in return I will help you with your German. Wish you a nice day!
California, Oregon and Washington are the states on the west coast that have an ocean. We traveled all the way from San Diego to Seattle. Portland in Oregon is a really cool city too.
English Verbs | ||||
Conjugation of iron [ ironed, ironed ] | ||||
German Verbs | Present | Past | ||
Conjugation of bügeln [gebügelt] |
bügle bügelst bügelt bügeln bügelt bügeln | bügelte bügeltest bügelte bügelten bügeltet bügelten |