German Dictionary

Translation of killer in German

the killer     der Killer

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The ruthless killer had stabbed two mothers and their children.

Der unbarmherzige Mörder hatte zwei Mütter und ihre Kinder erstochen.
The killer was caught on tape and is now being sued. Der Killer wurde gefilmt und wird jetzt angeklagt.
The scary movie was about a group of people being chased by a killer. Der unheimliche Film handelte von eine Gruppe von Leuten, die von einem Mörder gejagt wurden.
killer Mörder; Mörderin
killer bee Mörderbiene
killer Mörder

So it tipped excessively. I mean, she was around sixty or seventy years old. Anyway, we left the boat and embarked on a larger one which took us to a hidden community in the middle of the delta.
The best place to eat for us was the Tamarin cafe. The atmosphere was really a backpackers atmosphere, but with style. People were sitting there with laptops and and travel guide books.
I'm divorced and I have three children, two boys one girl. Last year we visited California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico. We traveled all this states by car. Next year I wanna do the east coast.
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