German Dictionary

Translation of label in German

to label     beschriften; etikettieren
the label     das Etikett; die Aufschrift

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The label of this product is not compliant with European regulations.

Das Etikett dieses Produktes stimmt nicht mit den europäischen Regulationen überein.
characterize, designate; label; etiquetar bezeichnen
label der Aufkleber; das Kennzeichen; die Marke
the sign(s); the label(s) das Schild, Schilder
own-label Hausmarke; eigene Marke
designer label Designermarke
label Etikett, Beschriftung
label Etikett, Schildchen
to label kennzeichnen
to label etikettieren
to label beschriften
label Etikett(1)

In addition, two woman were singing songs taken from Vietnamese theater. Again, I don't exactly recall what it was all about, but it seems boring and unimportant from today's point of view.
I saw your pictures on facebook, some great images. Are you from Los Angeles? Why do you wanna learn Spanish? well if you want you can try your Spanish with me, i am from Paraguay, i am 29 years old.
Many thanks for your letter. I am delighted to tell you that I have passed my exams and am looking forward to the next year. Meanwhile I am planning a trip to Costa Rica and some places around there.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of label   [ labeled, labeled ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of beschriften
beschrifte  beschriftest  beschriftet  beschriften  beschriftet  beschriften  beschriftete  beschriftetest  beschriftete  beschrifteten  beschriftetet  beschrifteten