German Dictionary

Translation of legislation in German

the legislation     die Gesetzgebung

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Legislation on this touchy subject was purposely omitted.

Eine Gesetzgebung zu diesem heiklen Thema ist absichtlich weggelassen worden.

I came on time and two hours later I arrived at Tuxla Gutieres. I was always suspicious here and I never knew whom to trust. Somehow I got to the airport a few hours too early but this is better.
I only had your other mail so far. Please confirm that this is your email address. Please send me your phone number too. I am happy you are all well... Pictures are amazing and Lola took a huge step forward.
We changed to another room which was slightly better and stayed there one night. The next day we moved to another room again before finally leaving for a better hotel. It was important to stay in a good place.
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