German Dictionary

Translation of limp in German

to limp     hinken
to limp     humpeln

Translation by Vocabulix


limp hinken

Let me know, once you want to proceed. Probably I did not explain myself well enough in the mentioned issue. Lili, can you please print the attachment and go over all the wrong expressions and words?
Ohhh, I love San Francisco and I would love living there too, except that it is further away than Michigan (for us). Good luck anyway. I wanted to share some of Mika's images too, send you email soon.
She could not join me since her flight to Israel was supposed to leave in less than 48 hours. I helped her carrying the bag to a hostel in Cancun and we went together to the airport. I postponed my flight again.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of limp   [ limped, limped ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of hinken
hinke  hinkst  hinkt  hinken  hinkt  hinken  hinkte  hinktest  hinkte  hinkten  hinktet  hinkten     
Conjugation of humpeln
[bin gehumpelt]
humple  humpelst  humpelt  humpeln  humpelt  humpeln  humpelte  humpeltest  humpelte  humpelten  humpeltet  humpelten