German Dictionary

Translation of loaf in German

the loaf     der Wecken

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
She bought a loaf of bread, and he added a complimentary cookie.

Sie kaufte ein Brot, und er gab ihr umsonst einen Keks dazu.
the loaf(loaves) das Laib, Laibe
a loaf of bread ein Laib Brot
to loaf about herumstreifen
to loaf around faulenzen
loaf Brotlaib
loaf Laib

it was very hot and very cool and very long. I will go to Mallorca at the end of June only for a week... but it is enough.... the sun, beach and water, coast... uuuhhh. For my job I use German and English language.
The cafe was not cheap but the food was quite special. In the back there was a travel agency, again not the cheapest one but they made a very reliable impression and that is why we booked with them.
The hill was not close to the village and we did not have a lot of water with us, so that we were happy when a Brazilian couple took us closer in their rented Jeep. We walked a little further.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of loaf   [ loafed, loafed ]