German Dictionary
English | German |
Sample sentences: The microphone was not working, but his voice was still loud. |
Das Mikrofon funktionierte nicht, aber seine Stimme war dennoch laut. |
If I squash the snowberry right in the middle, it will make a loud popping noise. | Wenn ich die Schneebeere genau in der Mitte zerdrücke, dann macht sie ein lautes Knallgeräusch. |
Standing by his tombstone, I suddenly heard a loud howl nearby. | Als ich an seinem Grabstein stand, hörte ich plötzlich ein lautes Jaulen in der Nähe. |
loud - loudly | laut |
loud | laut |

When we left the stadium after the game there were plenty of people on the streets. The neighbors opened their windows to sell grilled meat and the entire street smelled of meat and smoke.
The bus driver drove so quickly and with extremely dangerous maneuvers. We were so afraid and the other passengers started to scream at the driver which did not help the situation at all.
One hour later, at sun set, we overflew the amazing Misti volcano which is located right above Arequipa. The mountain had a golden glow and its view was breathtaking.
The bus driver drove so quickly and with extremely dangerous maneuvers. We were so afraid and the other passengers started to scream at the driver which did not help the situation at all.
One hour later, at sun set, we overflew the amazing Misti volcano which is located right above Arequipa. The mountain had a golden glow and its view was breathtaking.