German Dictionary

Translation of lunatic in German

lunatic     irrsinnig

Translation by Vocabulix


blurt; lunatic; whipped cream herrausplatzen mit; Verrückte, Wahnsennige; Schlagsahne
lunatic geisteskrank; verrückt; Wahnsinniger
lunatic irrsinnig, verrückt
lunatic Geisteskranker; Irrer
lunatic Verrückte(r)

Let in rain again. I love listen to music on the weekend while it rains. When I used to live in Darmstadt I hated the rain, but since I live in Greece, I love it because it does not rain that often here.
Anyway, I will add the 'offending' word feature within a few hours and write you an email once it is up and we will give it a try. Do you agree? Did you get my message? When do you want to start translating for me?
Absolutely no problem, do you speak English? I'll help you to learn it and you will like it. Your English is really very good, I understand all your lyrics, and please accept my friends request.
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