German Dictionary

Translation of menial in German

menial     niedrig; untergeordnet

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Jaspal was a menial worker and could not possibly marry a princess.

Jaspal war ein einfacher Bediensteter und konnte unmöglich eine Prinzessin heiraten.

I was on vacation for almost two months, so that I could not send you the learning files. In the coming days I will organize the tasks for 2012... Can I count on you for some translation work? Can you translate the following sentence?
Could you please read the following offers in a critical manner and confirm it before I will send it? I have also mentioned the warranty and the software in the offer, because it was requested by the customer.
Sure we can do that. What will you be doing there? Spanish lessons? I am simply trying to understand. I will translate the text into Spanish. Many greetings and I would love to see you soon.
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