German Dictionary

Translation of meow in German

to meow     miauen

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
The kitten meowed on the roof until we helped her down.

Das Kätzchen miaute auf dem Dach, bis wir es herunterholten.

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We did not feel any danger at all and found the area very attractive. Especially Bocca with its colorful building appealed to us. In addition, we found out that Maradonna was the king of this neighborhood.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of meow   [ meowed, meowed ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of miauen
miaue  miaust  miaut  miauen  miaut  miauen  miaute  miautest  miaute  miauten  miautet  miauten