German Dictionary

Translation of moderate in German

to moderate     moderieren
moderate     maßvoll; moderat; mäßig
moderate     gemäßigt

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Bert called himself a moderate conservative, but Carla called him backward.

Bert nannte sich einen moderaten Konservativen, aber Carla nannte ihn rückschrittlich.
proper; adequate; moderate angemessen; adäquat; passend
meek; decent; moderate sanft; bescheiden

We sat on the balcony and saw that the hotel had even a pool on the roof top but I did not have the courage to jump in. It just looked to dirty and as no one was in there I did not need to be the first.
I'm from Switzerland and I speak German as mother-language. I will try to help you to learn German! We speak French, Italian and German in our country. I heard that in the US Spanish is becoming more popular.
In Colorado there are amazing mountains, belonging to the Rocky Mountains and in New Mexico you have the really gorgeous desert areas. Some other states there have also large desert areas.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of moderate   [ moderated, moderated ]