German Dictionary

Translation of monitor in German

to monitor     überwachen
the monitor     der Bildschirm; der Monitor

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The monitor was tiny, so I did not recognize his face.

Der Monitor war winzig, also konnte ich sein Gesicht nicht erkennen.
monitor replies Antworten kontrollieren; überwachen
departure monitor der Abfahrtsmonitor
monitor sth. etw. überprüfen
arrivals monitor der Ankunftsmonitor
monitor Überwachung; Monitor
to monitor überwachen
monitor überwachen
monitor bildschirm

In the end we went up to the tower. We have never climbed so steep stairs ever before and once up we were really afraid to go down. There were no safety installation at this tower.
The name of the agency was Handspan and they were the first ones in the country that worked under ISO 9001:2000 quality management. That was pretty convincing especially after our horrible experience the day earlier.
At Pisac we visited its 'once certainly authentic', 'today completely touristic' market. We enjoyed it anyway, ate fresh corncobs and bought a warm wool hat.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of monitor   [ monitored, monitored ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of überwachen
überwache  überwachst  überwacht  überwachen  überwacht  überwachen  überwachte  überwachtest  überwachte  überwachten  überwachtet  überwachten