German Dictionary

Translation of mutiny in German

to mutiny     meutern
the mutiny     die Meuterei

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The rhetoric that determined the mutiny was belligerent.

Die Rhetorik, welche die Meuterei bestimmte, war aggressiv.
mutiny Meuterei

So we decided to move on. We were looking to get the next flight to Hoi Ann, which is located right in the center of the country, but we were told that there had been floods a week earlier.
We can try it out tonight, if you want, we just have to find the right hour. Peru is 5 hours behind Switzerland. So I'll just pay a visit to Peru in order to travel around and see the architecture.
California, Oregon and Washington are the states on the west coast that have an ocean. We traveled all the way from San Diego to Seattle. Portland in Oregon is a really cool city too.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of mutiny   [ mutinied, mutinied ]