German Dictionary

Translation of nicer in German

nicer     netter

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
She was nicer than he was and gave us some soup.

Sie war netter als er und gab uns etwas Suppe.

I was on vacation for almost two months, so that I could not send you the learning files. In the coming days I will organize the tasks for 2012... Can I count on you for some translation work? Can you translate the following sentence?
We can communicate via Skype if it acceptable to you. It's easier. I can also write you via regular email and attach photos. My hobbies are hunting and mountain climbing. The later is pretty dangerous.
I am 73 and I am learning German because my grandchildren do not speak English. I am learning at the Goethe Institute in London. One last question: why do you want to learn Spanish? Many greetings.
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