German Dictionary

Translation of obligate in German

to obligate     verpflichten

Translation by Vocabulix


Arete means earring. Is it only in Mexico, regional? earring has multiple translations in Spanish, some are regionalism, others not. Arete, pendiente, caravana, and some others. But they are widely understood.
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Do you know the meaning of? omicron    ore    overestimate    palpitation    partisan    pediatrician    persistency    pickled    planet    polecat   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of obligate   [ obligated, obligated ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of verpflichten
verpflichte  verpflichtest  verpflichtet  verpflichten  verpflichtet  verpflichten  verpflichtete  verpflichtetest  verpflichtete  verpflichteten  verpflichtetet  verpflichteten