German Dictionary

Translation of oblige in German

to oblige     nötigen; verpflichten

Translation by Vocabulix


require; oblige; obligar, comprometer verpflichten
oblige verpflichten, zwingen

In May I'll be able to show the machine at an exhibition in the university. In addition, we can show it to all these university partner laboratories in the U.S., which are led by people who live here.
In order to quickly become successful, one would have to change certain points, at least in my opinion: After 5 months of learning, I have still not found the grammar practice on which I should concentrate.
My company is a consulting firm for IT systems for banks and insurance companies. I work with system analysers and bank employees. It is a big challenge, technically and commercially. I love it.
Do you know the meaning of? omnibus    organ    overhaul    paltry    partitioning    pedigree    person    pickpocket    planetary    polemical   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of oblige   [ obliged, obliged ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of verpflichten
verpflichte  verpflichtest  verpflichtet  verpflichten  verpflichtet  verpflichten  verpflichtete  verpflichtetest  verpflichtete  verpflichteten  verpflichtetet  verpflichteten