German Dictionary

Translation of pancake in German

the pancake     der Pfannkuchen; die Palatschinke

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
We chevied the fat pancake down the hill.

Wir hetzten den fetten Pfannekuchen den Berg hinunter.
The mango jam did not jell properly but was a wonderful pancake syrup. Die Mangomarmelade gelierte nicht richtig, war jedoch eine hervorragende Pfannkuchensoße.
Hey Owen, ma made us banana pancakes. Hey Owen, Mutti hat uns Bananenpfannkuchen gemacht.
pancake Eier/Pfannkuchen

It was better to avoid this city at the moment, although it is supposed to be one of the more beautiful ones in the entire region. It is considered historic, beautiful and a culturally important city.
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