German Dictionary

Translation of pest in German

the pest     die Pest

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
The pest was one of the most dangerous epidemics in history.

Die Pest war eine der gefährlichsten Epidemien der Geschichte.
Beekeepers need to find innovative ways to protect their bees against pests. Bienenzüchter müssen innovative Wege finden, ihre Bienen vor Schädlingen zu schützen.

My family in Russia wants us to spend Christmas with them, but I don't think we'll be able to. My youngest brother spent 2008 in Moscow. The other one has already been there before and met all relatives. I wish you a happy and successful 2012.
I think it's a good idea to fly to Antigua to a language school. I feel more confident with the grammar in Spanish. Perhaps it would be better if the school would arrange the accommodation.
I want to apologize to you for my late response. It was important for me to meet first with Mr. Kaufler in Zurich and to discuss the situation between the two companies. Now I know more.
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