German Dictionary

Translation of phrase in German

to phrase     formulieren
the phrase     die Phrase; die Redewendung; die Wendung
the phrase     der Ausdruck

Translation by Vocabulix


phrase Ausdruck; Phrase; Satzglied
phrase Ausdruck; (Rede-)Wendung
Phrase Ausdruck, Formulierung
phrase Redewendung; Ausdruck
phrase feststehende Wendung
phrase Ausdruck, Satzglied
noun phrase nominalphrase
phrase satz, Redewendung
phrase Redensart
phrase Satzteil

We spent the rest of our time, eating in good restaurants, shopping, walking around and going to bars at night. One night of these nights we went to eat dinner at the Palermo district.
Anyway, the entire bus ride lasted four hours and we finally arrived at the city of Halong. We were supposed to take a two day luxury boat tour on a ship called The Lagoon Explorer.
We arrived at the airport two hours prior to our flight with no seat guaranteed. As these are local flights, the counters open just 1 hour before take-off. The alternative root would be by bus.
Do you know the meaning of? pizza    poem    posh    predisposition    printout    property    puberty    quark    rally    rebuttal   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of phrase   [ phrased, phrased ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of formulieren
formuliere  formulierst  formuliert  formulieren  formuliert  formulieren  formulierte  formuliertest  formulierte  formulierten  formuliertet  formulierten