German Dictionary

Translation of pig in German

the pig      das Schwein 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Cute marzipan pigs present children with a difficult dilemma.

Niedliche Marzipanschweine konfrontieren Kinder mit einem schwierigen Dilemma.
The pig dug around in the garden and messed up three new sods. Das Schwein grub im Garten herum und ruinierte drei neue Rasenstücke.
The team won the 400 meter relay and celebrated at the Fat Pig. Das Team gewann die 400-Meter-Staffel und feierte im Fat Pig.
stubbornness; pig-headedness starrsinnigkeit
the guinea pig das Meerschweinchen
the pig(s) das Schwein, Schweine
guinea pig Versuchskaninchen
guinea-pig Meerschweinchen
Pig Schwein

You can stay at my place as much as you like, and it does not cause me any trouble. I love guests. Cool, I guess, and sorry I didn't get back to you in time due to tight schedule. Hope to hear from you soon, best regards from NYC in the US.
The city seemed to be small but busy and many building were new. It looked like a third world country village with four and five star hotels. The infrastructure was still bad, but one could see development.
We shivered, sweat and vomited the entire night. In addition we had the worst room in the worst hotel in town: Hostal Resbalosa.
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