German Dictionary

Translation of precipitate in German

to precipitate     fällen

Translation by Vocabulix


precipitate herbeiführen; überstürzen

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El calafate airport was a mess. The airport was as big as a hotel lobby, but packed with people and all the luggage came at the same time in the same place. An officer checked the baggage receipt to avoid theft.
Do you know the meaning of? pride    prompter    psychiatrist    quadruplicate    ragout    rearrangement    reduce    relevance    reproduce    retailer   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of precipitate   [ precipitated, precipitated ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of fällen
fälle  fällst  fällt  fällen  fällt  fällen  fällte  fälltest  fällte  fällten  fälltet  fällten