German Dictionary

Translation of quieter in German

quieter     ruhiger

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
He became quieter when he heard she was still alive.

Er wurde ruhiger, als er hörte, dass sie noch am Leben war.
If you are not a little quieter we will disturb the buck in the field. Wenn Du nicht ein bisschen leiser bist, werden wir den Bock im Feld stören.

I was on vacation for almost two months, so that I could not send you the learning files. In the coming days I will organize the tasks for 2012... Can I count on you for some translation work? Can you translate the following sentence?
We will soon improve our page about language schools, cause we believe that learning with other students in other countries is a great a experience that you will never forget and it helps your language skills.
I am glad you know, I have learned Czech and my English is also not that bad, but we could speak in German. I got your message and I want to apologize again. Next time I will do it more accurate.
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