German Dictionary

Ready in German

ready     I am ready to do this. bereit Ich bin bereit dies zu tun.
ready     bereit; fertig
ready     parat

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The bowler got ready for his next throw.

Der Werfer machte sich für seinen nächsten Wurf bereit.
The rice is cooking in the pot on the stove, and will be ready for serving in 5 minutes. Der Reis kocht im Topf auf dem Herd und kann in 5 Minuten serviert werden.
Early in the morning the crew was getting ready to pull the anchor and sail off. Früh am Morgen machte sich die Mannschaft bereit, den Anker zu lichten und davonzusegeln.
to get ready sich bereitmachen; sich fertig machen
to get ready(1) sich bereit machen
ready for collection abholbereit
ready for despatch versandbereit
to get ready sich fertig machen
ready for take-off startbereit
Are you ready? Bist du bereit?
ready-made vorgefertigt
ready/ prepared bereit

I'm looking to move to Spain in the summer and hoping to visit my friend in Barcelona before then so I was hoping to have the basics done by then. I've always wanted to learn another language, but we are not pushed enough in the US.
I'm from Switzerland and I speak German as mother-language. I will try to help you to learn German! We speak French, Italian and German in our country. I heard that in the US Spanish is becoming more popular.
Your Spanish is excellent, I can understand you very well. I have been learning English for almost 2 years. I have visited a language school and now I am learning in the Internet. See you soon.
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